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For the light, and for the dark. Choose your thoughts carefully.

Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru

Toé, also known as Brugmansia or Angel's Trumpet, is a plant that is sometimes used in Ayahuasca ceremonies. Toé, is a plant that has a rich history and background rooted in both indigenous traditions and ornamental horticulture. It contains various alkaloids, including scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and atropine, which are known for their psychoactive properties. 


Toé is a powerful plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine and shamanic practices in South America. Its psychoactive effects are known to induce altered states of consciousness and visions. The specific experiences can vary widely, ranging from intense hallucinations to deep spiritual insights.


Toé holds cultural significance in various indigenous communities. Toé has been associated with spiritual realms, visions, and communication with divine beings. It is believed to facilitate contact with ancestors, spirits, and otherworldly entities.



Toé, a powerful plant native to the Amazon rainforest, possesses a duality that can sway the balance between profound enlightenment and perilous darkness. Revered for centuries by indigenous communities, this mystical plant has found its place in Ayahuasca ceremonies, where its usage can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, depending on the shaman and seeker's intention and approach.


In the light, Toé's positive application shines through the realm of spiritual awakening and inner exploration. Ayahuasca ceremonies, conducted with skilled and experienced shamans, allow participants to connect with the plant's wisdom, gaining insights into their own lives, healing past traumas, and finding clarity and purpose. It can open doors to higher states of consciousness, unveiling hidden truths and fostering deep introspection. Those who approach Toé with pure intentions often report profound revelations, enhanced empathy, and a sense of interconnectedness with the universe.


However, like any powerful tool, Toé also bears a darker side when mishandled or misused. The same properties that reveal enlightenment can become a gateway for negative energy.  Therefore it is important to use Toé with respect, caution and work with a shaman and facilitation team that is able to determine the correct strength and preparation of your ceremony brew.

Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru


Toé has potent psychoactive properties. Below are some benefits associated with the traditional use of Toé:


  • Spiritual Exploration: Toé has been traditionally used in spiritual and shamanic practices to facilitate contact with the spiritual realm and enhance visionary experiences. It is believed to aid in connecting with divine beings, ancestors, and otherworldly entities, offering opportunities for deep introspection, insight, and spiritual growth.

  • Altered States of Consciousness: The psychoactive compounds present in Toé can induce altered states of consciousness, leading to profound experiences and shifts in perception. These altered states may help individuals gain new perspectives, explore the depths of their psyche, and potentially access healing insights or spiritual revelations.

  • Shamanic Ceremonies and Healing Practices: Toé is often incorporated into shamanic ceremonies as a tool for healing and transformation. Experienced practitioners may utilize its psychoactive properties to guide participants through therapeutic journeys, facilitating the release of emotional blockages, healing traumas, and fostering personal growth.

  • Deepening Connection with Nature: Toé's traditional use is deeply intertwined with nature and the spiritual forces believed to reside within the natural world. Working with Toé can foster a sense of interconnectedness and reverence for the natural environment, promoting a deeper understanding of our place within the larger web of life.

  • Cultural and Historical Significance: Toé holds cultural and historical significance in indigenous traditions, serving as a key component in rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual practices. Its use can provide individuals with a connection to ancestral wisdom, cultural heritage, and the rich tapestry of indigenous knowledge systems.

Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru
Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru



Preparing for a toé ceremony, or an ayahuasca ceremony using toé, involves several important steps to drive a safe and effective experience.


  • Intention Setting: Clarify your intentions and purpose for working with Toé. Reflect on what you hope to gain or explore during the ceremony, whether it's spiritual insights, personal growth, or healing. Set clear and positive intentions that align with your goals and aspirations.

  • Pre-Ceremony Diet: In preparation for a Toé ceremony, it is common to recommend a clean and light diet in the days leading up to the ceremony. This typically involves avoiding heavy or processed foods, spicy or greasy dishes, caffeine, alcohol, and recreational drugs. The purpose of this dietary restriction is to create a clear and receptive state for the ceremony.

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is important before and during the ceremony. Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the ceremony is generally advised to maintain proper hydration and support the body's overall well-being.

  • Fasting: Some ceremonies may involve fasting for a specific period of time before ingesting Toé. This fasting period may vary depending on the specific ceremonial tradition and facilitator. Fasting helps purify the body, enhance spiritual receptivity, and minimize potential interactions between Toé and certain foods or substances.

Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru
Toe healing with ayahuasca at Modern Ancient Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru


The materials below provide some insight into Toé, and although some are not directly related they provide a useful context in which to understand plant spirit healing.




  • "The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications" by Christian Rätsch

  • "The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys" by James Fadiman

  • "Visionary Vine" by Marlene Dobkin de Rios

  • "Ayahuasca: Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle" by Javier Regueiro


Documentaries/ Videos


  • "The Sacred Science" (2011) - Directed by Nicholas J. Polizzi, this documentary follows the journey of eight individuals as they embark on a healing retreat deep in the Amazon rainforest. While Toé may not be the primary focus, the film provides insights into traditional healing practices, shamanism, and the use of various plant medicines.

  • "Ayahuasca: Vine of the Soul" (2010) - Directed by Richard Meech, this documentary delves into the cultural and spiritual significance of Ayahuasca. It provides glimpses into traditional ceremonies, interviews with experienced practitioners, and explores the healing potential of Amazonian plant medicines, which may include mentions of Toé.

  • "The Jungle Prescription" (2011) - Directed by Christopher Hooke, this documentary focuses on the work of a Canadian doctor exploring the potential healing properties of Amazonian plant medicines, including Ayahuasca. While not specific to Toé, it offers insights into the broader context of plant medicine practices and indigenous traditions.


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